collected reviews
collected reviews on the 2024 album
'common findings' by record of tides
collected reviews on the 2023 album
'post interent' by record of tides
collected reviews on the 2022 album
'penicilina' by record of tides
 nocoVision / press release
collected reviews on the 2022 album
'panamerican' by record of tides
collected reviews on the 2021 release
'concrete walls of gruga remixes' by record of tides
 unter.ton / nocoVision / sorin paun
collected reviews on the 2021 album
'purchases' by record of tides
 zany music
AESTATE digital reissue albums press release
sabine klement
review on the 2014 series
'the imposbility to take pictures of the sea'
 nocoVision / michael schreiber / guido richter
collected reviews on the 2020 album
'black album' by record of tides
 nocoVision / michael schreiber
collected reviews on the 2018 album
'endurance' by record of tides
report of the blog on sven piayda´s 'seascapes' solo show at ikosaeder gallery in essen
report of the online art magazine on sven piayda´s solo show at galerie143 in dortmund
collected reviews on the 2011 album CARBONIZED by AESTATE
 libella proof
AESTATEvisual - Hintergründe
THE SENARY PROCESS reviewed in november issue of coolibri
 DKM / coolibri / gentle freaks / jahrgangsgeraeusche
collected reviews on the 2008 album SUPERFLAT by AESTATE
  mb / libellaproof
 morton, claudia relota, alex terzakis, michaela best
reviews on actually: killer killeresque ... kicks ass
a breakout of the prison, a dealing with pain
 intro / cassetto / electric unity
collected reviews on the 2007 debut by
 waz (gelsenkirchen)
interview/review on euphoria
 alina mori
alina mori for svn:
das neue sven album kickt. und zwar richtig
 alina mori, morgan lamort, michaela best
reviews on scandinavian: condition of feeling healthy and comfortable (especially when sick)´

dirk wienecke (
smith and piayda: 10 years of collision/collaboration
review on alec smith songs from 2006

 svennet webmaster
trinity press release
 alec smith
mein kommentar (ein paar andersfarbige
sinneseindrücke zu einer ziemlich roten platte)
 alina mori (irish coffee club)
"eine durchweg subjektive
kritik zu "diptych"
 dirk wienecke (o livro / pav2)
"portrait" cd kritik
für sven n et v1.0
 irish coffe club`s alina mori
on dissident(en) club gig